
2nd International Colloquium on Harnessing Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for a Sustainable Development

(NanoMada 2022)

October 18, 2022| Antananarivo, Madagascar

October 18, 2022|Morning

Moderator: Pr Naivo RABESIRANANA

Antananarivo Time (GMT+3) Topic Presenters
09h-09h30 AM Welcome Speech and Opening Pr. Joel Rajaobelison
Director General

Pr. François Rajaoson

Malagasy Academy

Pr. Elia Béatrice Assoumacou
Minister of the Higher Education and Scientific Research
or her representative
09h30-09h50 AM The CORANANO (COmmission Raoelina Andriambololona pour la Nanotechnologie) Pr. Raoelina Andriambololona
Guest Speaker
Executive President CORANANO, Madagascar
09h50-10h00 AM COFFEE BREAK
10h00-10h20 AM La caractérisation physique et chimique en nanotechnologies : un outil incontournable à l’échelle nanométrique Dr. Amal Chabli
Guest Speaker
Director of Research in Material Characterization
CEA, LITEN, France
10h20-10h35 AM Experimental analysis of the efficiency of solar cell using down- conversion glass and glass ceramic layers based on 70Si- 30Hf doped Dr. Lamyae Oulmaati
National School of Applied Sciences of Tangier, Abdelmalek, Morocco
10h35-10h50 AM Pattern Analysis of Black Sand Ilmenite Deposits from Madagascar Mr. Andry-Zo Randrianantoandro
10h50-11h05 AM Global Q&A
11h05-11h20 AM Sediment load assessment of Ikopa River, in the plain of Antananarivo: preliminary results Mr. Ramanantoanina Silvère Tsaravola
11h20-11h35 AM Traffic effects of Iarivo Ring Road on air quality at micro-scale level,for a residential area in Ravitoto, Antananarivo Mr. Manovantsoatsiferana Harinoely
11h35-11h50 AM Artemisia annua Stems a New Sustainable Source for Cellulosic Materials: Production and Characterization of Cellulose Microfibers and Nanocrystal Dr. Heriarivelo Risite
Faculté des sciences; Université de Toliara, Madagascar
11h50-12h05 AM Greffage de nanoparticules de TiO2 anatase à la surface des argiles Malagasy par le procédé sol-gel Dr. HDR Mahandrimanana Andrianainarivelo
Faculté des sciences, Université d'Antananarivo
12h05-12h20 AM Global Q&A
12h20-13h30 AM BREAK

Key dates

Abstract submisssion deadline
Authors notification
Full paper submission
Event date


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Proceedings of NanoMada 2018