Antananarivo Time (GMT+3) | Topic | Presenters |
01h30-01h45 PM | Water resource characteristics of Ihosy Ranotsara plain, south of Madagascar in ten years of observation. | Dr. Falintsoa F. A. Razafitsalama
INSTN-Madagascar |
01h45-2h00 PM | Valorisation des matériaux de construction locaux pour la construction des salles d’imagerie à rayons X | Dr. Mbolatiana Anjarasoa Luc
Ralaivelo INSTN-Madagascar |
02h00-2h20 PM | Enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption properties integrating diverse loss mechanism of 3D porous Ni/NiO microspheres. | Pr. Tingkai Zhao Guest Speaker NPU-NCP Joint International Research Center on Advanced Nanomaterials & Defects Engineering, Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory for Graphene New Carbon Materials and Applications, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China |
02h20-02h35 PM | Nanoparticules de TiO2 Anatase pour la photocatalyse : application à la décomposition des polluants organiques dans l’eau. | Dr. Christian Andriamiadamanana
Mention Procédés et Ecologie Industrielles, Facultés des sciences, Université d'Antananarivo; |
02h35-02h50 PM | Global Q&A |
02h50-03h10 PM | The role of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Fighting the Pandemic | Pr. Lucky Sikhwivhilu Guest Speaker Head & Director: DSI/Mintek Nanotechnology Innovation Centre- Advanced Materials Division Mintek, Johannesburg South Africa |
03h10-03h25 PM | Utilisation de nanoparticules lipidiques en Vaccinologie pour protéger et délivrer des antigènes | Dr. Hanitra Clara Rakotonirina
Département Recherche et Contrôle Qualité, Institut Malgache des Vaccins Vétérinaires., Madagascar |
03h25-03h40 PM | Nanopore genomic sequencing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility testing in Madagascar | Dr. Niaina Rakotosamimanana
Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, The American Society for Microbiology, Madagascar |
03h40-03h55 PM | Miraculous effects of herb, praised from ancient vedas to control intellectual decision sequence: formulation development on nano molecular difussion patches | Dr. Rakesh Das
Department of Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy, Dayanand Sagar University, Kumarswamy layout, Bengalore, Karnataka; India |
03h55-04h10 PM | Global Q&A |